We’re a small, family developed business located near DeWitt, in southeast Nebraska, with a long history of producing exceptional swine. Our performance results prove that great genetics can come from an operation such as ours in small town Nebraska. We don’t have to be the biggest to provide you the best. Waldo Genetics has been focused on pig improvement for nearly 130 years. By implementing the latest advances in husbandry, health, genetics, and scientific technology, we’re able to provide our customers with some of the best performing boars and gilts in several breeds.
We take a “balanced approach” to genetic development. While we firmly believe that scientific and information technology have greatly advanced the practice of swine production, we also believe that traditional selection, a keen eye, and good old common sense has helped us produce superior products. A balanced approach means we concentrate on how multiple traits work together to help you improve performance and profitability long-term. After raising hogs for nearly 130 years, we’ve learned that single trait selection and selecting for extremes compromises the traits that are being neglected, resulting in less overall genetic and reproductive value. Our approach also improves meat qualities while emphasizing economically-valuable traits. At Waldo Genetics, incorporating science with the art of good judgment is the basis of our balanced approach - an approach that develops more complete breeding animals for proven performance.
Good selection formulas are necessary to make good matings. And to build good formulas, you need good data. So Waldo Genetics does everything possible to gather and generate good data. We work with the National Swine Registry (NSR) and utilize their Swine Testing and Genetic Evaluation System (STAGES). The STAGES program can rank each tested pig in comparison to pigs from other STAGES participants anywhere in the world. We also collect and generate data using the Nebraska SPF certified performance measuring techniques. More accurate data increases genetic improvement and profitable breeding stock.
With Waldo Genetics you get the best of both worlds; the traditional thinking you appreciate, and the progressive thinking your business demands.
Genetic improvement can never end.
Waldo Genetics maintains 3 registered breeds - 1 terminal and 2 maternal. Duroc is our terminal line, while Landrace and York are our maternal lines. Boars and gilts are available for sale in each line. Waldo Genetics boars, gilts, and AI products are competitively priced and you can be assured our products are individually selected to suit your program needs.
When it comes to performance and profitability, the Waldo Duroc has a rock-solid record of field-proven results. With over 130 years of continuous improvement and genetic advancements behind it, the Waldo Duroc has what it takes to drive the future of your business. Waldo Durocs offer lean gain, efficiency, meat quality, and durability. Waldo Durocs have been selected for fast growth and ruggedness. This means more pigs born make it to market at full value and in less time than other breeds. Waldo’s Terminal Sire Index (TSI) is consistently the nation’s highest. Waldo Duroc Young Sires have ranked #1 TSI Index for nearly 30 years.
Waldo Genetics currently has 40 of the top 50 Unproven Sires for TSI in the US - all of them over 149 TSI.
Waldo Landrace are prolific and durable animals that farrow large, lean progeny for better growth rates and survivability. They are large framed animals on sturdy feet and legs, with improved durability over the breed average. They create the best F1 females for long term, high performance, increased mothering ability.
Waldo boars currently have the top 10 places on the STAGES Unproven Landrace Sires Report for SPI - all above 124 index.
Waldo boars also occupy 8 of the top 10 places on the STAGES Unproven Landrace Sires Report for MLI- all above 120 index.
Waldo Yorkshire genetics deliver natural mothering instincts with excellent longevity, producing progeny with high-quality carcass attributes. They have larger than average birth weight, superior growth rate, excellent temperament, and create the best F1 females for long term, high performance, improved litter size, birth weights, growth, lean, durability.
Waldo Genetics currently have the top 4 Unproven York Sires in STAGES for SPI, as well as 17 of the top 20 sires, all with an SPI over 133.
In addition, Waldo Genetics has 8 of the top 10 Unproven York Sires in STAGES for MLI - all with an MLI over 143
Artificial insemination (AI) is the most direct route to both pig improvement and profitability. Because not only is AI the most cost-effective way to utilize the best genetics from the Waldo Genetics closed-herd system, AI is also the best way to improve male reproductive efficiency and get more from your genetics investment.
Waldo Genetics is pleased to announce the purchase of the former Iowa Genetic Technology Center and have established the Waldo Boar Center at its location in Huxley, IA. The Waldo Boar Center is the exclusive source of all Waldo boars currently at stud. Terminal (Duroc) sires are priced at $30/unit, while maternal sires (York and Landrace) are priced at $25/unit. Pooled semen is also available for commercial producers if interested. All orders will also include shipping costs. If you would like a listing of all boars available, along with current performance indexes, or would like to place an order, please call or email our office.
If you’re a purebred or commercial pork producer who’s considering Waldo Genetics, we’d love to hear from you. Do you have any questions or need more information about our product? Feel free to contact any of our staff to help answer your questions.